
Continuous hydrolysis into maltose

It can form complexes with wheat starch , the protein network structure of the dough regulator and the relative layout of the starch , to promote a more stable mature dough , the water holding capacity and improve dough moisture dispersion , improve the finished appearance and prevent aging. Sodium lactate can hydrolyze the starch in the flour into small molecules and soluble starch, dextrin , maltose until the continuous hydrolysis into glucose to provide energy to the yeast growth and reproduction , to ensure the dough is normal, continuous fermentation , the bread volume and hematocrit up to standard, homogeneous internal texture and delicate . Vc effect on wheat lactic acid powder , so that one of the -SH bond into S-S bond , to promote the occurrence of crosslinking between the protein molecules , thereby improving the flexibility of the dough , the flour can be converted into glutathione oxidized , since the former is a protease activator, thus effectively suppressing the strength of the network structure of dough can affect protease activity.

