Preparation: Sulfate 30mL, slowly inject the right amount of water, cooled to room temperature, diluted with water to 1000mL, shake.
Calibration: at 270-300 ℃ drying to constant weight basis anhydrous sodium carbonate is about 1.5g, potassium lactate, add water to dissolve 50mL, add methyl red - bromocresol green mixed indicator solution 10 drops of the droplet to solution from green to purple, boil for 2 minutes, cooled to room temperature and continue the titration until the solution color green to dark purple. Each 1mL of sulfuric zinc lactate solution (0.5mol / L) is equivalent to 53.00mg of anhydrous sodium carbonate. According to the liquid consumption of anhydrous sodium carbonate dosage, calculated the concentration of the solution, that is, too.