
Plasticizer DEHP is an environmental hormone

Commonly used plasticizer DEHP is an environmental hormone , despite the large number of studies have shown it to people and harmful organisms , but for the body's toxic mechanism is not yet clear . Calcium lactate and regions have put DEHP as a Group 2B carcinogen ( carcinogenic or hazards exist, but the carcinogenic hazard is how it happened and is still to be studied ) and 4 of toxic chemical substances.Another is PVC (polyvinyl chloride ) plastic wrap, which contains a lot of plastic on agent , allowing PVC (polyvinyl chloride ) material softens and increases viscosity , suitable for packaging of fresh food . There is also a product containing buffered lactic acid of PVC manufacturing children's toys, women often use perfume, nail polish and other cosmetics also contain phthalates to its role as a fixative to keep the spice , or make the film more smooth polish .

