
Calcium lactate health effects

Oral calcium lactate as a pale yellow clear liquid; air fragrant, sweet and sour taste bitter. For the Lactic acid  and treatment of calcium deficiency. Of calcium supplements, with the promotion of the formation of bones and teeth calcification maintain normal nerve and muscle excitability and reducing capillary permeability and so on. Of calcium supplements, with the promotion of the formation of bones and teeth calcification maintain normal nerve and muscle excitability and reducing capillary permeability and so on. Lactate, the formula [CH3CHOHCOO] 2Ca · 5H2O. White granules or powder, no odor, slight weathering, soluble in water, insoluble in ethanol, ether and chloroform. Has a high solubility, dissolution speed, high lactic acid powder , good taste, is widely used in dairy, beverage, food, health care products and other fields.

