
Vitamin D also helps the body absorb calcium

If the concentration of calcium deficiency in muscle, muscle excitability will rise, even if you're sleeping, will feel Spontaneous contraction of muscle fibers, and even severe cramps. Zinc lactate  ight not only affects sleep a long time go on Muscles cause irreparable harm. The body's calcium first "occupation" is the muscle, even muscle Meat calcium, and other parts of calcium can also be said to be rare.
Wish to choose the most easily magnessium lactate the body, calcium citrate, is the best time to take half an hour before, but note Italy do not drink too much water as this will dilute the calcium concentration. Fish, shrimp, nuts vitamins
D also helps the body absorb calcium citrate.
Muscle is the body of calcium calcium Big Brother, Bubu calcium citrate, calcium your body infinite.

