
diverse recipes makes calcium absorption rate closer to the theoretical values

In food oxalic acid and Lactic acid that could affect the absorption of calcium. Such as spinach, lettuce, red and white radish, Sweet potatoes, celery, green beans, whole wheat, etc., which affect different forms of calcium are different, such as Spinach and milk with food, can significantly affect the absorption of calcium, but wheat products on the absorption of calcium in milk.
Close to no effect. Whether this effect is significant, as long as the food diversification, it is not necessary.
To worry about calcium absorption rate. This is because the recommended amount of calcium in itself considered the absorption of calcium, not.
Is that all calcium is absorbed, diverse recipes makes calcium absorption rate closer to the theoretical values; another.
On the one hand, combined with calcium and potassium lactate,  oxalic acid removed, is conducive to good health, especially for kidney knot.
Stone worried people, removing calcium oxalate is more important than the absorption of calcium.

