
of lactate metabolism and exercise constantly being produced

In general, the lactic acid metabolism and movement is generated continuously, but its concentration is generally not rise. Only in lactate production speed up the process, lactic acid can not be transported in a timely manner when the concentration will increase.Lactic acid when an organization's energy through aerobic respiration can not be met, the organization can not get enough oxygen or oxygen can not be fast enough to handle the case of lactic acid concentration will rise. If the motion is too intense or prolonged, or physical decomposition of lactic acid deficiency in essential vitamins and minerals, the body too late to be processed lactic acid powder  resulting in the accumulation of lactic acid. That is, the lactic acid deposits in various tissues, but is a high degree of intense activity after exercise more muscle tissue only, when the body produces lactic anaerobic glycolysis of glucose, strictly speaking cells can produce. General sugar anaerobic glycolysis in red blood cells and normal skeletal muscle. There gynecology, special parts lactobacilli produce lactic acid.

